Association for Women Soil Scientists Travel Scholarship

Elvin Joel Estrada Garcia's picture



Monday, 15 September 2014


The Association for Women Soil Scientists is happy to announce its travel
awards for attendance at the 2014 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings
(November 2-5, 2014) in Long Beach, California. The traveling awards
are: 1 st -$300 and 2 nd -$200. The awards are offer to undergraduate and
graduate female students traveling and presenting their research results at
the 2014 Soil Science Society of America Meeting. Afford grants will only
cover expenses associated with the meeting in essence cost of registration, travel and lodging. The
application deadline is September 15 for the 2014 meeting.


The application guidelines are:
A. Eligibility and Selection:
All applicants must be members of the Association for Women in Soil Science (may apply
after award notice) and the Soil Science Society of America (SSSA).

B. Deadlines (materials must be received by deadline):
 September 15, 2014
 Main Point of Contact:
Dr. Rebecca Tirado-Corbalá, Award Committee Chair
 Applying electronically is highly encouraged but in case of difficulty please notifies the
main point of contact.

C. Application package (required documents):
The following documents must be submitted to constitute a complete application package.
1. A completed application form (see below)
2. A letter describing your reasons for applying to this program (scientific, financial, and
professional) and whether you have made a previous presentation at a national meeting
(any society) (limit 2 pages)
3. A resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV) (limit 2 pages)
4. An abstract of the work to be presented. Includes all authors and the research
presentation format (i.e. poster, oral, etc.).
5. A letter from your advisor confirming your participation in the meeting for which you
are applying for funds. Your advisor should comment on your technical capability.
Include a list of additional travel support that may be available from the department or
research grants.

Award recipients will receive notifications by e-mail (or other if indicated by applicant) no later
than October 11, 2014.



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