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Here you can see the organization of the CienciaPR website and where you see this sign  you can access any of our main RSS feeds.

What are feeds? What is RSS?

A feed is an internet mechanism that helps you keep up with websites that are constantly being updated. The CienciaPR news feed, for example, is updated many times a day and provides news that is both relevant and timely for people who are interested in Puerto Rico and science. 

To view an RSS feed you'll need an RSS Reader, sometimes called a news aggregator. Some popular online readers include BloglinesNewsGatorMy Yahoo!, and Google. These sites will all keep track of new articles we post. It's a great way to quickly find out what's new in Puerto Rico and science. When you subscribe to a feed using a feed reader, you'll be able to quickly see summaries of new information in one place as soon as it's published. It's a great way to quickly find out what's new in Puerto Rico and science.

How do I use feeds?

You may already be using an RSS reader, and you don't even know it. The web browser Firefox (1.0+) integrates RSS into a feature called "Live Bookmarks." Simply open any CienciaPR page. Now, look at the address bar. Do you see the orange icon that looks like this: ? Click that icon and choose the option to add a live bookmark to your bookmarks toolbar folder. Now you'll have an easily-accessible list of all new CienciaPR news updates, right from your browser window! You can always delete this link, too.

What are the terms of use?

We offer RSS as a free service to any individual user or non-profit organization, subject to the following terms and conditions:

  • Use will be for non-commercial purposes
  • Use is accompanied by proper attribution to our site as the source.

By accessing our RSS service you are indicating your understand and agree that you will not use our RSS feeds in contravention of the above conditions. 



Forum navigation vocabulary

Categorías de Contenido

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Scientific Disciplines


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