Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship

Imagen de Elvin Joel Estrada Garcia


Fecha Límite: 

Lunes, 31 octubre 2016


Internship opportunities are available during the following terms. Summer (10 weeks), Fall and Spring (15 weeks). Applications are solicited annually three times a year through the DOE website for each of the terms. Each DOE laboratory offers different research opportunities; not all DOE laboratories offer internships during the Fall and Spring Terms. A typical experience starts with students spending the first week with an Argonne supervising staff member devising a research strategy and attending mandatory safety classes. For the next few weeks, the supervisor will provide considerable program assistance and guidance. Subsequently, the student will be expected to complete a pre- and post-survey, oral or poster presentation, 1500 - 3000 word research report, and a one-page peer review. In addition to their research activities, participants are provided tours of the facilities and attend a series of seminars in current topics in science and engineering and career development.

Financial Information

During the appointment period, participants receive a stipend of $500 per week and housing OR housing allowance. Apartment type lodging facility is available on site. Transportation costs for participants who travel farther than fifty miles one way will be provided.


Spring 2017 internships application deadline October 2016.



  • Must be currently enrolled full-time at an accredited  institution and completed at least one year of schooling
  • Submit two letters of recommendation
  • Undergraduate cumulative minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
  • 18 years or older at the time the internship begins
  • U.S. citizen or Legal Permanent Resident at the time of applying
  • Pass a screening drug test




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