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Sharing CienciaPR's achievements for 2017 and 2018

Giovanna Guerrero-Medina's picture

Dear friends,

CienciaPR’s compass has always been to promote the advancement of Puerto Rico through science. Although 2017 and 2018 were full of challenges, they were also full of opportunities and examples of strength and resilience that reinforced our commitment to empower and serve.

As testimony of all we can achieve when we place science at the service of Puerto Rico, we are proud to share CienciaPR's biennial report so that you can appreciate the impact of our work during the past two years. During this time, we embarked on a more focused strategic direction; we created new educational programs that have impacted more than 150 teachers and 1,800 students in Puerto Rico; we supported the scientific community during the recovery of hurricanes Irma and María; we trained 80 young scientific leaders from 50 institutions in the United States and Puerto Rico; we launched an action network to encourage the participation of scientists in decision-making and public policy; we recruited two staff members and a new board of directors; and we were recognized as Science Defenders.

You can read or download our report here: 

Thank you for being part of the CienciaPR community. Our accomplishments are the fruit of our members' support, contributions, and inspiration. Together, we will continue to making a better Puerto Rico through our #CienciaBoricua.


- The CienciaPR Team
