Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz's blog

Puerto Rican Ecology Mixer at the Annual ESA Conference

Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz's picture

About twenty Puerto Rican ecologists assisted to the first organized event convened by Ciencia Puerto Rico at the Ecological Society of America’s Annual Ecological meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  Just like in the majority of these scientific meetings, a huge amount of researchers assisted to the general meeting. However, having around 4,000 attendees, it is not always easy to find fellow Puerto Rican scientists.  Because of this, a new idea was born: having a gathering of Puerto Rican scientist at the Ecological meeting.

Microbiólogos: ¡Aquí vamos de nuevo!

Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz's picture


Si asistirás a la conferencia anual de la Sociedad de Microbiología Americana (ASM, por sus siglas en inglés) en Denver, Colorado, debes saber esto:

CienciaPR y La Sociedad de Microbiólogos de Puerto Rico (SMPR) te invitan al: "2nd Puerto Rican Microbiology Mixer" (PRMM) 

El próximo 19 de mayo y por segundo año consecutivo se estará celebrando una actividad con los boricuas y amigos que asitirán al ASM Metting.


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