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  • Comment By: Jorge P Silva-Puras
    18 years ago

    daniel, reviso la pagina con frecuencia para ver como va creciendo. hay forma de poner en el member directory un link de "All" para ver el listado completo de miembros? tambien seria bueno tener un "counter" q diga cuantos usarios hay ya. A medida que logre masa critica, la proxima vez q vengas a PR podemos hacer una conferencia de prensa. Tambien te sugiero anadas los links a y a Me gustaria poner un link en la pag de al site de cienciapr Gracias! Jorge

  • 18 years ago

    CienciaPR users: The NIH just came out with a great new innitiative called "Pathway to Independence" where they fund you for 2 years of postdoctoral work and 3 as a junior faculty. It is similar to the NIH K-22 grant, but better because you do not need to be a NIH postdoc grantee to apply for it or a US citizen. It promises to be highly competitive, so I suggest, if you are in this stage of your career, to apply to the first round, which is in April 2006. For more information about the NIH Pathway to Independence program visit:

  • 18 years ago

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