New research highlights the importance of culture in communicating science
Submitted on 9 July 2024 - 12:25pm
This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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The study is the result of a collaboration between Ciencia Puerto Rico and El Nuevo Día that began almost 20 years ago.
Over the years, communicating scientific ideas to Puerto Rican non-specialist audiences has been a major challenge for local newspapers. A new study, however, highlights that collaborations between science organizations and news media can be central to the solution. The research points to the importance of covering science in a culturally relevant way to connect and educate the public.
Specifically, the study sought to identify the results of a collaboration between Ciencia Puerto Rico (CienciaPR), the largest network of Puerto Rican scientists, and El Nuevo Día. Initiated in 2006, the relationship between the two groups sought to promote the publication of science stories written by Puerto Rican experts, in addition to creating more culturally relevant science articles for diverse audiences in the country.