Zika virus cases continue on the rise

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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Nydia Bauzá
La secretaria de Salud enfatizó en que el uso de repelentes y ropa adecuada y la eliminación de criaderos son clave para la prevención del zika, así como del dengue y del chinkingunya. (AP)

The Secretary of the Health Department,  Ana Ríus Armendáriz, confirmed that 40 new cases of Zika virus have been reported this week. Amongst these cases one patient required hospilization and 9 were pregnant women.  

For more information please visit the Department of Health webpage:  www.salud.gov.pr.

Additional information can be found and shared on the official facebook  PRcontraelZIKA and Twitter @PRcontraelZIKA pages. 

For the full article, please refer to the spanish version of this site.




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