1er Puerto Rico Biobanking Workshop - August 20, 2014

Idhaliz del R. Flores Caldera's picture



Wednesday, 20 August 2014


1st Puerto Rico Biobanking Workshop - Wednesday August 20th @ Centro Comprensivo del Cancer, UPR - Ciencias Medicas, San Juan Puerto Rico.The program for this 1-day, live workshop includes lectures by three biobanking experts in the morning session, followed by an afternoon session consisting of presentations of existing biobanks in Puerto Rico and a panel discussion. Dr. James Robb,M.D., F.C.A.P., consulting pathologist to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the Office of Biorepositories and Biospecimen Research (OBBR) will talk about basic aspects of the science of biobanking and the importance of banking tissues for advancing biomedical research. Dr. Gustavo Stefanoff, from the ReBT-LAC -RINC network, will talk about biobanking in Latin America, the experiences of developing biobanks despite limited resources, the challenges encountered (financial, human, facilities) and how they were tackled, and what are the opportunities for the future, including strengthening the collaborative links between investigators studying cancer in Latinamerica and those in Puerto Rico. Dr. Robert Hunter Mellado, Professor of Internal Medicine, Universidad Central del Caribe, will present a lecture on the ethical and regulatory aspects of biobanking tissues for future research, in particular issues related to informed consent of subjects, protection of human subjects rights, and balancing risks and benefit ratios. In the afternoon, Directors of existing Biobanks in Puerto Rico (cancer, HIV, neurodegenerative diseases) will present their experiences and challenges encountered when establishing biobanks for research in the island. Needs, opportunities for research collaborations and further training will be identified. We will finalize with a panel discussion lead by the invited faculty, where specific questions of from the audience will be answered, and where we will discuss the most important challenges and opportunities of the science of biobanking in Puerto Rico.


Audience: Biomedical Investigators, Graduate (MS, PhD) and MD Students, Lab personnel, Pathologists, Surgeons, Ob-Gyns, Hema-Oncologists, Residents, Pathology Assistants, Histotechnicians.
