Course in Neuroscience, Amazon, Brazil (9/19-26)

Veronica A Segarra's picture


VLTP Course in Neuroscience, Federal University of the Amazon, Manaus, Amazon, Brazil, September 19-26, 2007, Topics, Principles of neural signaling Structure, function and formation of synapses, Channels and receptors, Structural and functional organization of the visual system, Neural development and regeneration Mechanisms of plasticity, Molecular biology of neurodegenerative disease. Thirty-five lectures last for about 50 minutes each. Conferences are used for discussion of questions that arise from the lectures and consist of small groups that rotate day by day to different lecturers. Students will have the opportunity to present 10 min. talks on their own work if they wish. Tutorials on how to present the talks according to the format of international meetings are given at the end of each day. There will also be formal discussions about studentships and postdoctoral opportunities in Europe and North America Organizers: Spartaco Astolfi, PhD, Professor Department of Biochemistry, Federal University of the Amazon, Manaus, Brazil., Elaine Del Bel, PhD, Department of Physiology, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil., Profa. Adriana Malheiro, Researcher, Instituto de Hematología e Hemoterapía do Amazonas, Manaus, Brazil. Online registration for the course will be open in May on the IBRO Schools site
