Empleo - Catedratico Asistente en Quimica Orgánica

Wilson Gonzalez-Espada's picture



Tuesday, 11 April 2023

The Chemistry Department at Morehead State University is accepting applications for a full-time position as a Tenure Track Assistant Professor, Chemistry (Organic). The anticipated start date is August 7, 2023.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Teaching responsibilities will include upper division chemistry courses in area of expertise, chemistry courses for science majors, agriculture and allied health majors, and associated labs. Lab preparation duties may also be required. The successful candidate is expected to establish an active undergraduate research program and participate in various service activities.

REQUIREMENTS: The applicant must have a Ph.D. in Chemistry or Biochemistry (Organic preferred). ABD with completion by December 2023 would also be considered.

PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Teaching experience in a higher education environment.

SPONSORSHIP: This position is not budgeted for Visa Sponsorship.

Details and application: https://moreheadstate.peopleadmin.com/postings/20068





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