Faculty Position: School of Universal Computing, Construction, and Engineering Education

Giovanna Guerrero-Medina's picture


Florida International University (FIU) invites applications and nominations for an Assistant or Associate Professor in the School of Universal Computing, Construction, and Engineering Education (SUCCEED).  SUCCEED (https://succeed.fiu.edu/)  is part of FIU's College of Engineering and Computing and collaborates closely with the university STEM Transformation Institute (a community of discipline-based education researchers and innovators, https://stem.fiu.edu/). The School houses two degree programs: a Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Engineering, and a Ph.D. in Engineering and Computing Education. Our Ph.D. is the first engineering and computing education doctoral degree at a minority-serving institution (MSI).

Florida International University (FIU) is the fourth-largest public university in the United States and is a majority-minority R1 research university.  FIU has a vibrant STEM education research group, and there are also ample education research opportunities afforded in Dade and Broward counties which host the nation's largest and 4th largest state colleges and two of the largest public-school districts. Faculty in SUCCEED also work collaboratively with other departments in the College (e.g., Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science etc.) to conduct innovative funded education research in their discipline and advance the transformation of undergraduate engineering and computer science education. 

We are seeking tenured/tenure-track faculty at the levels of Assistant or Associate Professor. More information available at the SUCCEED website https://succeed.fiu.edu/about/faculty-staff-positions/index.html. Please feel free to contact Director, Monica Cardella (mcardell@fiu.edu) if you have interest, and/or to spread the word to colleagues in engineering and computing education and associated disciplines.



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