Internado de verano - Investigación en Chemical Biology - Vanderbilt University

Elvin Joel Estrada Garcia's picture



Friday, 1 February 2019

We are delighted to invite you to apply to the 2019 Vanderbilt Summer Research Experience for Undgraduates Program in Chemical Biology sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the Vanderbilt Institute of Chemical Biology (VICB). The objective of the REU program is to introduce students to the excitement and importance of research in chemical biology through a mix of educational and research activities. This ten-week program runs from May 27 to August 2, 2019 .

Students will choose from a list of interdisciplinary projects and will be co-mentored by faculty in Chemistry and the School of Medicine. Students will be assigned to individual research groups and will broaden their horizons though a variety of experiences that include participating in a mini-symposium on drug discovery, attending seminars given by VICB faculty working across disciplinary lines, and participating in weekly discussions on topics such as scientific ethics and publication. See Training Faculty page to view faculty mentors participating this summer.

Our objective is to bring together a select group of 12 rising sophomore, junior, and senior chemistry, biochemistry/biology majors with high potential for careers in chemical biology research at the graduate level.

The application deadline is February 1, 2019.



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