Microbial Metagenome Workshop 2016

Marla S. Rivera-Oliver's picture



Monday, 21 March 2016

We’re excited to announce that we are accepting applications for the Explorations in Data Analyses for Metagenomic Advances in Microbial Ecology (EDAMAME) workshop at Kellogg Biological Station 10-20 July 2016.  EDAMAME is an intensive, hands-on course in microbial metagenome analyses, covering workflows from raw sequence analysis through to multivariate statistics and ecological interpretation.  


Please see our course website for more information (https://edamame-course.github.io/).  Application is available here (due March 21):  http://goo.gl/forms/Y3Cs0Bu2oB  


The course supports and encourages diversity by creating an environment in which people can communicate effectively and share their unique talents. This diversity of talents enriches the course by fueling creativity, innovation, and success.


Email edamame.course@gmail.com with questions!


Tweet!  #edamame2016


Thank you!

The EDAMAME 2016 Instructors


Ashley Shade, Michigan State University

Adina Howe, Iowa State University

Tracy K. Teal, Data Carpentry


