Science News

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In this section you can find: news written by members of the CienciaPR team and written by other news media and which are reproduced with permission from the original source.

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Promueven la ciencia en las comunidades

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



Gerardo E. Alvarado León

Como una “evolución” de la recién concluida iniciativa Aquí Nos Cuidamos, la organización sin fines de lucro Ciencia Puerto Rico (CienciaPR) presentó el Laboratorio de Ciencia Comunitaria o CienciaCoLab, mediante el cual promoverá el diseño y la gestión de proyectos que partan de las prioridades y atiendan las necesidades identificadas por los propios ciudadanos.



This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 


The University of Puerto Rico at Humacao (UPRH) invites the entire community to participate in the lecture From First Generation to Nobel Prize, by Dr. Barry Barish, 2017 Nobel Laureate in Physics. The lecture, sponsored by the PREM-UPRH and PROUD-UPRH programs, will be on Friday, November 12, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. via Facebook Live @UPRHComunica. 

Read the full story in the spanish versión. 


Federal grant establishes a virology research institute at Inter American University

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 


The Aguadilla Campus of the Inter American University of Puerto Rico is the only institution in Puerto Rico that will be part of a collaborative effort that will establish an Integrated Biology Institute focused on viruses. Together with researchers from four institutions in Arkansas and Maine and funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), viral interactions and mechanisms at all levels of life will be studied.

You can read the full story in the Spanish version.


UPR Humacao celebrates Bioscience Week 2021

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 


The Department of Biology of the University of Puerto Rico at Humacao (UPRH) announces the virtual celebration of the 18th edition of Bioscience Week under the slogan Bioscience: Innovation that Works! The official week of the event at the national level is from October 11 to 15, but it will continue with different regional activities aimed at students and various sectors of the scientific community throughout the month.

You can read the full story in the Spanish version of this article.


Study by the Medical Sciences Campus reveals the immune response to Covid-19 in Puerto Rico

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 


Researchers from the School of Medicine of the Medical Sciences Campus (RCM) of the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) have found for the first time characteristics of the immune response to Covid-19 in Puerto Rico. The group of researchers, led by Dr. Carlos Sariol, Researcher and Director of the Comparative Medicine Unit and Dr. Ana M. Espino, professor and Director of the Parasite Immunology Laboratory of the Department of Microbiology, recently published the results of the study in the prestigious scientific journal Viruses.


The Caribbean Center for Rising Seas offers a keynote talk in collaboration with the Mayagüez Campus of the University of Puerto Rico

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 


With the objective of preparing Puerto Rico and the Caribbean to adapt and prosper in the new era of increasing risk of flooding from storms, tides and rising sea levels; The Puerto Rico Science, Technology and Research Trust announced the creation of its new program: the Caribbean Center for Sea Level Rise (CCRS). Acclaimed oceanographer John Englander will personally lead the Puerto Rico-based program, with a commitment to developing a local team of experts in collaboration with the Rising Seas Institute, a Florida-based non-profit organization. Among other credentials, Mr.

Open call for the fourth generation of the parallel18 local pre-acceleration program, pre18

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 


With the slogan Take it out of the Park, the pre-acceleration program, pre18 of the parallel18 organization, opened its call by inviting local companies to participate. Companies will be able to apply for the fourth generation of the program as of September 13 by filling out the online application. The program, part of the Puerto Rico Science, Technology and Research Trust (FCTIPR), seeks innovative local companies with global growth potential in which it provides a $ 20,000 grant that helps them go to market and prepares them to scale globally. . The call will be open until October 12.

Puerto Rican satellite PR-CuNaR2 arrives at the International Space Station

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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The Dragon capsule, where the Puerto Rican satellite PR-CuNaR2 travels, was successfully docked to the International Space Station on Monday, the Inter-American University announced.

“Today with great excitement and pride through technology we were able to see the moment when our PR-CuNaR2 satellite docked with the International Space Station. This means that our satellite is one step away from beginning to orbit planet earth ”, said Professor Amilcar Rincón, director of the academic project.


A new drug to treat cancer to be made from a Puerto Rican patent

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



Gerardo E. Alvarado León

After 14 years of studying the anticancer effects of the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum, Dr. Michelle Martínez Montemayor achieved “the dream of every researcher”: to contribute with new technologies to the health of human beings, in her case, through the development of a drug.


Científicos y miembros de la comunidad controlan la población de helecho flotante en Las Curías

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



Gerardo E. Alvarado León

After almost two years in progress, the project for the biological and mechanical control of the floating fern "Salvinia molesta" in Lake Las Curías, in Cupey (San Juan), has resulted in the elimination of this invasive species by 90%, which for Dr. Jorge Ortiz, one of its researchers, demonstrates the success of the initiative.

Full story available in the Spanish version. 



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