Science News

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Researchers from the Mayagüez Campus of the UPR create an application that allows data collection and monitoring of COVID-19 cases

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



Comunicado de Prensa

A group of professors and students from the Mayagüez Campus (RUM) of the University of Puerto Rico, created an application to document and monitor the cases of patients infected with COVID-19 on the island. Through a portal with live data, the platform allows greater visibility of trends, and, at the same time, organizes the information in a database that would allow future analyzes on the progress of the disease and its possible effect on the development of subsequent health situations.


Fernando Lloveras San Miguel, president of Para la Naturaleza receives the Kingsbury Browne Conservation Leadership Award for his work in favor of conservation in Puerto Rico

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Washington DC- Land Trust Alliance (LTA), an organization dedicated to the conservation of land in the United States, awarded to Fernando Lloveras San Miguel, president of the non-profit environmental organization Para la Naturaleza and executive director of the Port Conservation Trust Rico, the distinguished Kingsbury Browne Conservation Leadership Award.


UPR Medical Sciences Campus Receives $ 15 Million Grant from National Institute of Health

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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Comunicado de Prensa

San Juan P.R. - The Medical Sciences Campus (RCM) of the University of Puerto Rico (UPR), announced today that the NIH through the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) awarded a grant for $ 15 Million dollars to establish a project of resources called the Hispanic Alliance For Clinical & Translational Research-The ALLIANCE. The project will be led by Dr. Carlos Luciano and Dr. Marcia Cruz Correa, principal investigators of the grant, in collaboration with Dr. Diana Fernandez from the Central University of the Caribbean and Dr.


UPR Humacao and Aguadilla come together to celebrate Mental Health Month

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Comunicado de Prensa

(Humacao, PR) - Historically, the Counseling Departments of the University of Puerto Rico in Humacao (UPRH) and UPR in Aguadilla, come together to carry out a series of virtual activities during the month of October with the purpose of celebrate Mental Health Month.


CTA names re: 3D company of the year

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Press Release

September 29, 2020 - San Juan, Puerto Rico- The Consumer Technology Association® (CTA), a trade association representing the United States consumer technology industry, announced the new group of honorees at its 2020 Consumer Technology (CT) Hall of Fame; and named the company re: 3D Inc. as Company of the Year for 2020. The association celebrates leaders in the technology industry who advance innovation and develop, create, market and promote the technologies, products and services that improve the lives of consumers.


Creation of the Puerto Rico Diagnostic Tests Evaluation Commission (PRoDTEC) for SARS-CoV

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Departamento de Salud de Puerto Rico

   The Department of Health and the Puerto Rico Science Trust collaborated to obtain the FDA Consent to grant emergency use authorizations (EUA) for tests that detect SARS-CoV-2 in laboratories, giving scientific autonomy to Puerto Rico during the emergency of COVID-19


Retired professor from the Mayagüez Campus of the UPR receives appointment to NOAA

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Press Release

Professor Aurelio Mercado Irizarry, retired from the Department of Marine Sciences of the Mayagüez University Campus (RUM), of the University of Puerto Rico (UPR), received an appointment as a member of the Tsunami Science and Technology Advisor Panel of the National Oceanic Administration and Atmospheric (NOAA), with the main mission of advising on scientific issues and the use of technology related to tsunamis.

To read the full news story, please access the Spanish version of this website.


Researcher at the UPR Cayey studies the effectiveness of COVID-19 prevention measures through mathematical models

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With the purpose of developing mathematical models that study the effectiveness of interventions such as physical distancing, effective treatment and / or social distancing in the prevention, mitigation or eradication of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Mayteé Cruz Aponte of the University of Puerto Rico in Cayey (UPR-Cayey), is developing an investigation to evaluate the existing mitigation measures in order to design additional methods for the eradication of the current pandemic.


“Salud Pública al Mediodía”, a new virtual show about COVID-19 and public health

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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The Puerto Rico Public Health Trust (PRPHT), a program of the Puerto Rico Science, Technology and Research Trust (PRSTRT), launches “Salud Pública al Mediodía” (Public Health at Noon), the new digital transmission of live segments whose host will be the executive director of the PRPHT, Dr. José F. Rodríguez Orengo. The show will air via Facebook Live two to three times a week at noon; and will bring COVID-19 updates and various public health topics starting Monday, August 10.


Alert on the Increase of COVID-19 Cases in Puerto Rico after surpassing 225 thousand molecular tests

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



Comunicado de Prensa Puerto Rico Public Health Trust

After accomplishing more than 225,000 thousand molecular tests by private reference laboratories on the Island; The Puerto Rico Public Health Trust (PRPHT), a program of the Puerto Rico Science, Technology and Research Trust (PRSTRT) along with the Department of Health of Puerto Rico, warn of the reflected increase in positive cases of COVID-19 in the last two weeks.



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