Science News

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In this section you can find: news written by members of the CienciaPR team and written by other news media and which are reproduced with permission from the original source.

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Polytechnic students create novel twill-based filament for 3-D printers

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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José Ayala Gordián

A group of chemical engineering students at the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico seeks to revolutionize the emerging field of 3D printing by developing a novel sargassum-based filament, which would not only allow the manufacture of all kinds of products for consumers, but would also give a use to the tons of this seaweed that congests the coasts of the island and that, in the future, could create a new economic sector and jobs.


UPR Aguadilla wins $880,000 grant for STARp project

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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The project focuses on undergraduate research, active learning strategies and citizen science projects. This is the first time that UPR-Aguadilla receives a grant from NSF, the most important and prestigious federal scientific agency in the United States.


Culminates the first Cumbre Puerto Rico Conserva

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Para la Naturaleza presented the digital land conservation tool Mapa 33, as well as multiple scientific and community forums focused on the conservation of the natural systems of the archipelago of Puerto Rico.

You can read the full story in the spanish version.


This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 



Yazmín Sollá

San Juan, April 21, 2022- Puerto Rico is at a critical juncture in which the health and protection of ecosystems are under constant threat. Against this backdrop, the organization Para la Naturaleza today presented Mapa 33, a digital community tool for citizen participation, which aims to integrate citizens in the conservation processes of the natural areas of the archipelago of Puerto Rico by the year 2033. 


UPR in Humacao to offer interactive workshop Futur@ Físic@ For the second consecutive year, this workshop will be held for high school students from all over the Island

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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April 1, 2022 

Ingrid N. Vázquez Valdez, Press Officer  
787-231-3116 | 


UPR in Humacao to offer Futur@ Físic@ interactive workshop 

For the second consecutive year this workshop will be held for high school students from all over the island 

high school students from all over the island 


Federal Forest Service appoints Dr. Grizelle Gonzalez director of the International Tropical Forestry Institute

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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Río Piedras, Puerto Rico (March 14, 2022) - The U.S. Forest Service announced the appointment of Puerto Rican scientist Grizelle González as director of the International Institute of Tropical Forestry (IITF).

Dr. González will assume, as of today, the position held for 40 years by scientist emeritus Ariel E. Lugo, and before him, the pioneer of the study and conservation of forests in Puerto Rico, Frank H. Wadsworth. In this way, she becomes the first woman to direct the Institute. 


AGILE program Launches with training opportunities for professionals related to grant management

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AGILE program Launches with training opportunities for professionals related to grant management

The Puerto Rico Science, Technology and Research Trust Grants Program is committed to improving the management and administration of funds


Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, Orlando Campus, announces a new Aerospace Engineering program and three new specializations

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Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, Orlando Campus, announces a new Aerospace Engineering program and three new specializations

The Aerospace Program will be available by August 2022


Puerto Rican researcher makes important discovery about Parkinson's disease

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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Dr. Daniel Colón Ramos led the study that was published this month in the scientific journal "Neuron"

A study, led by Puerto Rican researcher Daniel Colón Ramos, made an important discovery in the scientific maze to better decipher Parkinson's disease.

The group, composed of 15 researchers, identified a protein that is key to autophagy, a process or natural mechanism of cellular regeneration that basically consists of the elimination of cellular waste.


MUSA, the RUM Museum commemorates the birth of Dr. Agustín Stahl

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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MUSA, the RUM Museum commemorates the birth of Dr. Agustín Stahl

The genius of Agustín Stahl survives the times. Beyond his profession as a physician, he was an artist and lover of flora and fauna. This is how he combined his multiple talents to bequeath a scientific and artistic work through the generations. This is a series of watercolors showing, with great precision, different specimens that he collected while visiting his patients in their homes.

Read the full story in the spanish version. 





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