Seeds of Success: STEM Girl Ambassador Program

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Seeds of Success: STEM Girl Ambassador Program, consists of educational activities to allow middle or high school girls in Puerto Rico to learn more about careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), feed their curiosity and creativity, and help them become STEM ambassadors in their communities. The program is designed and offered by scientists and engineers, our "Borinqueñas," to help girls learn about the different careers in these fields and how they contribute to Puerto Rican society and beyond. The program is offered in different regions in Puerto Rico and includes a variety of on-site and online activities.


"IF we support a girl in STEM, THEN she can change the world"





For all girls!

All girls who wish to explore opportunities in STEM can participate in those Seeds of Success' activities that are open to the public. Check out this website and the Seeds of Succes Newsletter on social networks to learn about events and initiatives that may interest you. Meanwhile, we invite you to visit the Resources section and the Women in STEM Collection that we have for you.



Seeds of Succes in the News


The ofificial Instagram account for Seeds of Success: @LatinasinSTEAM. You can also follow @CienciaPR on Facebook and Twitter  and Instagram
#ifthenshecan #SemillasdeTriunfo #JuntasPodemos




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