Lueny Morell

The Center for Online Education

Just came across this center that provides good information for prospective online learners. Engineering included –

The Center for Online Education is a collection of online educators and experts committed to providing informed, research-based guides for students pursuing college degrees online. Formerly, the Center for Online Education was created to reflect the extensive team behind the resources, rankings and original research on the site.

Good Tips When Looking for a New Job

From Forbes – some tips for starting off your search on the right foot:

1. If you have spent the last eight hours posting for jobs online, you have wasted seven hours and 50 minutes.

2. Just because you did it doesn’t mean it belongs on your resume.

3. Don’t tell me about the things you were expected to do; write about the things you did that no one ever dreamed possible.

4. If no one returns your calls requesting a networking meeting, you are leaving the wrong message.

5. People who don’t think online networking is relevant to their job search will become irrelevant to the hiring managers who think it is.

6. People think they should talk in general terms about career successes, but you build trust with interviewers by talking about specifics.

7. When hiring managers ask you in an interview what your weakness is, they already know.



and I add one more,

8. Look for the company values before applying to the job – if they are in alignment with yours, apply.
