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Imagen de Enrique J Vargas
Mirada Cientifica Podcast - Biotectónica

Biotectónica es un estudio de investigación y diseño localizado en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico dedicado al fomento del carácter científico en la creación del arte, el proceso de diseño y la adaptación de la arquitectura. En este episodio de Mirada Científica conversamos con Wilfredo Méndez y Edlyn García durante una exhibición de estudiantes de primer año de arquitectura.

Soft Matter Research at University of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez

Imagen de Hyeon Ju Song

Cancer has been and still remains a mystery for even the world's most renowned doctors. Although we understand the concept of cancer, we have failed to develop an effective and efficient method of treating it. Chemotherapy is one of the most common ways to treat cancer. However, it is not 100% efficient because it targets both healthy and cancerous cells. In addition, chemotherapy is not always 100% effective. In order to provide a more useful treatment to cancer patients, nano technology can be utilized. In Dr. Jaime Ramirez's lab, we have created nanoparticles (essentially very tiny molecules). These nanoparticles, when loaded with cancer-fighting drugs, will attach solely to the cancerous cells, release the drugs within the cells, and kill them.


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