Call for Nominations for the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Graduate Student Symposia

Imagen de Alondra Caraballo Franco


Fecha Límite: 

Viernes, 14 octubre 2022

We are seeking nominations for students to be considered for the 21st annual St. Jude Children's Research Hospital National Graduate Student Symposium (NGSS) and the 8th annual Future Fellow Research Conference (FFRC). The NGSS and FFRC are exceptional academic and professional development opportunities for Ph.D. students and will be held March 28-30 and June 6-8, 2023, on the St. Jude campus.

The NGSS and FFRC are all-expenses-paid symposia to which top Ph.D. students from around the country are invited to participate. To be eligible, students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents, with estimated graduation between April 2023 and July 2024. Preference will be given to students whose work is relevant to 
ongoing research at St. Jude.

These symposia are not advertised. Students may apply only if they are nominated by faculty. To nominate students, please and complete a simple form. You may nominate multiple students, but nominations must be received by October 14th, 2022. We would appreciate it if you could forward this information to your Graduate Program Directors or other faculty members who may wish to nominate outstanding students. Nomination of exceptional under-represented minority students is encouraged.

Invitations to apply will be sent to students in late October. For those graduating before April 2023 who may be interested in postdoctoral fellowships at St. Jude, please review and our open positions: If students are interested or if they have questions, they may contact us at
