Oportunidad para minorías interesados en ciencias de cómputos

Imagen de Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer


Fecha Límite: 

Lunes, 1 abril 2013

Supercomputers, data collections, new tools, digital services, increased productivity for thousands of scientists around the world...

Sound exciting? These are some of the topics you can learn more about through the XSEDE Scholars Program.  

The XSEDE Scholars Program (XSP) is a program for U.S. students from underrepresented groups in the area of computational sciences provides opportunities to learn more about high performance computing and XSEDE resources, network with cutting-edge researchers and professional leaders, and belong to a cohort of student peers to establish a community of academic leaders. In particular, the focus is on the following underrepresented groups: African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, and women.

Apply to be an XSEDE Scholar at bit.ly/xsedescholars.  View the flyer about the XSEDE Scholars Program here.
Application deadline:  April 1, 2013
Acceptance notification: April 15, 2013

XSEDE Scholars will receive a travel grant to attend the XSEDE13 conference in San Diego (July 22-25, 2013) and will participate in at least six online sessions throughout the year including training in preparation for XSEDE 13. Undergraduate participants will be encouraged to consider future graduate studies and research careers.  Both graduate and undergraduate students will gain support through in-person and online community activities.

Email program manager Ruth Kravetz at rkravetz@rice.edu to join the Scholars listserv if you are a student interested in receiving emails about the XSEDE Scholars Application and online activities throughout the year including computing workshops, mentoring sessions (http://empoweringleadership.rice.edu/spotlights/) and research/intern opportunities.   Past recorded computing sessions are also available on the XSEDE Scholars Program Course Material page.

The XSEDE Scholars Program is directed by Richard Tapia, Rice University professor and 2011 National Medal of Science recipient, and managed by Ruth Kravetz at Rice University.  

Meet the Scholars in the second cohort of the XSP here.
Meet the Scholars in the first cohort of the XSP at http://empoweringleadership.rice.edu/xsedescholars/.  



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