Programa de mentoría de RWJF para facultad interesada en salud y equidad

Imagen de Giovanna Guerrero-Medina


Fecha Límite: 

Viernes, 1 junio 2018

New Connections is hosting a mentoring program for junior faculty. The program will pair a select group of early career New Connections network members with senior faculty/researchers for nine months (July 2018-March 2019). During this time mentees will:

  • Work with a mentor to develop a mentoring work plan
  • Participate in at least 5 virtual meetings with a mentor
  • Participate in 3 group mentoring calls

Building a mentoring relationship requires creative use of time, commitment, and collaboration, for both mentees and mentors. Senior scholars serving as mentors will:

  • provide assistance with developing strategies for navigating the academy
  • assist with demystifying the tenure and promotion process
  • offer tips and guidance for producing successful manuscripts and grant proposals
  • share ideas and offer guidance for developing a research portfolio
  • Senior scholars will also provide guidance with other career development concerns such as achieving work/life balance, advice for managing research projects, suggestions for choosing research collaborators, and other areas of interest

Eligible applicants should be no more than 4 years out from their doctoral degree (2014 or later) and must not have tenure. Finalists for the program will participate in a brief, 10-minute interview with New Connections Staff before official acceptance into the program. To apply, click here!

Important dates:

Application due: Friday, June 1, 2018
Finalist interviews: Week of June 11, 2018
Applicants notified: Friday, June 15, 2018

Highest regards, 

New Connections Program Office



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