Se necesita tu voz para garantizar presupuesto de NIH y NSF

Imagen de Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz


Dear Colleague, The Senate Appropriations Committee recently proposed to reduce the fiscal year (FY) 2012 budgets for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) by $190 million and the National Science Foundation (NSF) by $162 million below the current levels. Thankfully the House has proposed a $1 billion increase for NIH and no cuts for NSF! It is important to strongly oppose the Senate’s devastating budget cuts and build support for the NIH increase recommended by the House. Congress needs to hear that message from you NOW. Please go to to email your Senators today and urge them to provide NIH and NSF with the higher funding levels approved by the House in the final FY 2012 appropriations agreement. Also urge your Representative to support the proposed NIH funding increase. Together, we can make a difference for science! Sincerely, Joseph C. LaManna, PhD FASEB President
