Seeking Qualified Candiates for two ASCB positions

Imagen de Elvin Joel Estrada Garcia


Good afternoon,


I wanted to let you know that ASCB has new job openings for a Diversity and Professional Development Program Manager and a Science Writer and Social Media Manager, in case you know someone who might be a good fit for either. We need your help getting the word out about these interesting positions.


Diversity and Professional Development Program Manager: This person will manage the Society’s programs that aim to increase participation of under-represented groups in the sciences, provide professional development at all career stages, and provide mentoring and networking to ASCB members. Work in these areas is managed through three Society constituent committees: minority affairs, women in cell biology, and the committee for postdocs and students. Specifically, this person will manage the three committees and all their year-round programs (with administrative support). For more information see the job posting:


Science Writer and Social Media Manager: This person will have two primary responsibilities: writing for the Society’s print and online publications and emails and managing social media. Specifically, this person will write for the ASCB newsletter, track scientific developments of interest to members, write member communications about Society initiatives and meetings, and post relevant information on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. For more information see the job posting:


Thanks in advance for any help you can offer to help us fill these critical positions.



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