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Faculty Position - Molecular Biologist

Imagen de Oné R Pagán

Molecular Biologist - Tenure-track ASSISTANT PROFESSOR position available August 2017. Earned doctorate in Molecular Biology or related discipline is required; research and teaching interest in some aspect of bioinformatics is preferred. The successful applicant must be qualified to teach courses in Molecular Genetics, Cell & Molecular Biology, Introduction to Recombinant DNA Technology, and laboratories in introductory biology.





Neurociencia 2014 Washington DC - "The First Brain"

Imagen de Oné R Pagán


Neurociencia 2014 Washington DC - "The First Brain"

¡Hola! Deseo informarles que Oxford University Press va a auspiciar un evento en el que voy a firmar copias de mi libro "The First Brain: The Neuroscience of Planarians" el lunes 17 de Noviembre, 3pm en el "booth" de OUP. En mi libro utilizo el organismo que uso en mis investigaciones, planarias, para explicar neurociencias y farmacología al público general. ¡Gracias!





The First Brain - Oxford University Press

Imagen de Oné R Pagán

'The First Brain: The Neuroscience of Planarians' is already “up” at the Oxford University Press’ website!

It is already showing at Amazon, B&N, Book Depository and Google Preview.  The tentative release date by Oxford is March 18, and it will be available elsewhere in mid-April.

From the publisher's website:

Faculty position - Microbiology - West Chester University

Imagen de Oné R Pagán
Microbiologist. Tenure track assistant professor position available August 2012. Earned doctorate in Microbiology or related discipline required; research interests using molecular approaches to address current problems in Microbiology are highly desirable. Successful applicant must be qualified to teach Microbial Physiology, Microbial Ecology, General Microbiology, and special topics courses or graduate courses as needed.



