Nanoparticles as Drug Delivery Systems in Cancer Medicine: Emphasis on RNAi-Containing Nanoliposomes.

Imagen de Pablo Vivas-Mejia
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TítuloNanoparticles as Drug Delivery Systems in Cancer Medicine: Emphasis on RNAi-Containing Nanoliposomes.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AutoresDíaz, MRivera, Vivas-Mejia, P
JournalPharmaceuticals (Basel)
Date Published2013

Nanomedicine is a growing research field dealing with the creation and manipulation of materials at a nanometer scale for the better treatment, diagnosis and imaging of diseases. In cancer medicine, the use of nanoparticles as drug delivery systems has advanced the bioavailability, in vivo stability, intestinal absorption, solubility, sustained and targeted delivery, and therapeutic effectiveness of several anticancer agents. The expansion of novel nanoparticles for drug delivery is an exciting and challenging research filed, in particular for the delivery of emerging cancer therapies, including small interference RNA (siRNA) and microRNA (miRNAs)-based molecules. In this review, we focus on the currently available drug delivery systems for anticancer agents. In addition, we will discuss the promising use of nanoparticles for novel cancer treatment strategies.

Alternate JournalPharmaceuticals (Basel)
PubMed ID24287462
PubMed Central IDPMC3854016
Grant ListK22 CA166226 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States