Plasmodium berghei: analysis of the gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase gene in drug-resistant lines.

Imagen de Adelfa Serrano-Brizuela
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TítuloPlasmodium berghei: analysis of the gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase gene in drug-resistant lines.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2002
AutoresPérez-Rosado, J, Gervais, GW, Ferrer-Rodríguez, I, Peters, W, Serrano, AE
JournalExp Parasitol
Date Published2002 Aug
Palabras claveAnimals, Antimalarials, Base Sequence, DNA, Protozoan, Drug Resistance, Multiple, Female, Gene Expression Regulation, Enzymologic, Glutamate-Cysteine Ligase, Glutathione, Mice, Molecular Sequence Data, Plasmodium berghei, RNA, Messenger, RNA, Protozoan

The rapid emergence of multidrug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum is a worldwide concern. Despite the magnitude of the problem, the mechanisms involved in this phenomenon are not well understood. One current proposal suggests that toxic heme molecules are degraded by glutathione (GSH), and that anti-malarial drugs, such as chloroquine (CQ), inhibit this degradation, thus implicating GSH in drug resistance. Furthermore, in some strains of Plasmodium berghei and P. falciparum, chloroquine resistance is accompanied by an increase in glutathione levels and increased activity in GSH-related enzymes. We are investigating the relationship between the gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (ggcs) gene, the rate-limiting enzyme in de novo synthesis of GSH, and drug resistance in P. berghei at the molecular level. In this report, we have demonstrated an increase in pbggcs mRNA levels associated with CQ and mefloquine (MFQ) resistance. In addition, the pbggcs gene locus structure was shown to be similar and localized to chromosome 8 in four parasite lines of P. berghei with different drug resistance profiles. This work suggests a link between increased GSH levels and drug resistance in Plasmodium.

Alternate JournalExp. Parasitol.
PubMed ID12594957
Grant ListAI-10285-01A1 / AI / NIAID NIH HHS / United States
GM08224 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States
RR-03051 / RR / NCRR NIH HHS / United States