Contaminación lumínica afecta tortugas, aves y personas en Puerto Rico

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Agencia EFE

El exceso de luz artificial o contaminación lumínica que sufre Puerto Rico afecta a especies animales como tortugas y aves, aunque es un problema del que tampoco se libra la población de la isla caribeña.

El director ejecutivo de la Junta de Calidad Ambiental (JCA), Weldin Ortiz, señaló hoy a Efe que ante el problema de contaminación lumínica en la Isla su agencia apuesta por la educación. Las expresiones de Ortiz fueron durante la inauguración del Tercer foro sobre prevención y control de la contaminación lumínica en Puerto Rico.


Free event this Tuesday on the impact of luminous pollution

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The Astronomy Society of Puerto Rico invites the general public to the "3rd forum on prevention and control of luminous pollution in Puerto Rico". This event will be held on Tuesday, August 9 from 8:30am to 4:00pm at the Sala Jesús María Saromá in the Teatro Bertita and the Guillermo L. Martínez room in the Puerto Rico Music Conservatory  at # 951  Ave. Ponce de León in San Juan. 


DRNA supervises the implementation of the ecological restoration plan for the Ceiba State Forest

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Thursday, July 21, 2016. San Juan, Puerto Rico — Personnel from the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources of Puerto Rico is supervising the restoration work being conducted in response to law violations of environmental impact at the Ceiba State Forest. 

For the full article, please refer to the spanish version of this site. 



DRNA initiates investigation on dove mortality in Salinas

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Wednesday, July 13, 2016. San Juan, Puerto Rico. - The secretary from the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources of Puerto Rico (DRNA),  Nelson J. Santiago Marrero, iniated an investigation about the dove mortality cases reported in the agriculture sector at Fortunas, Salinas.

For the full article, please refer to the spanish version of this site.



Exhibition of exotic animals at UPR-Cayey

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Diálogo Digital

The University of Puerto Rico at Cayey invites the community to participate in the Agricultural Market this next Saturday, July starting at 8:00 am a the Verdes Sombras Park on campus. During the event, the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources of Puerto Rico, will offer an exhibition of exotic animals.

For the full article, please refer to the spanish version of this site. 



Environmental gathering focuses on teaching students the importance of protecting Planet earth

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Friday, Arpil 15, 2016.  Hormigueros, Puerto Rico — More than 300 students attended the 2nd Environmental Gathering where they learned about the importance of protecting the enviornment. This event was organized by the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DRNA) and had the participation of state and federal governement agencies as well as other organizations related to environmental protection.

For the full article, please refer to the spanish version of this site. 


More than 200 scientists and officials analize strategies to control coastal erosion and climate change

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April 7, 2016. San Juan, Puerto Rico — More than 200 scientists and officials from federal, state and municipal agecies, as well as from universities and specialized organizations came together for the 7th Puerto Rico Climate Change Council Meeting (PRCCC). Strategies and financial resources to control coastal erosion as well as various studies on the tendencies and proyections of climate were amongt the topics discussed. 

For the full article, please refer to the spanish version of this site. 


Peculiar Flamingo behavior observed in Camuy

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Raúl A. Pérez-Rivera

A flamingo that has been living in a pond in Camuy for more than five year has reached puberty and is ready to reproduce. This flamingo is in perfect health conditions to build a nest and lay an egg. Although the egg will not be able to hatch, due to the lack of male flamingos in the area, this would be the first reproductive attempt for these birds in Puerto Rico for more than 150 years.

For the full article, please refer to the spanish version of this site.



DRNA reports the first leatherback turtle nest of the season

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Sunday, February 28, 2016. San Juan, PR— The first Leatherback Turtle nest for the 2016 nesting season was reported to be seen at a beach in the Northeast Ecological Corridor Nature Reserve (NECNR).

For the full article, please refer to the spanish version of this site.



South aquifer water levels descend

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Diálogo Digital

The secretary from the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DRNA), Carmen R. Guerrero Pérez, informed that there were decreases in the storage capacity of the three aquifers in the south regions. 

For the full article, please refer to the spanish version of this site. 





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