Welcome to the UPR-IPERT Program!

The UPR IPERT Program of the Interdisciplinary Research Institute at the University of Puerto Rico Cayey Campus existed during the period of 2017 - July 2022 with the objective that more university students at the undergraduate level in different disciplines and socioeconomic profiles expand their skills in topics biomedical research and areas related to health. The resources we share in this section were developed thanks to grant number R25GM121270 from the National Institutes of Health, a federal agency known by its acronym in English as the NIH and its institute, the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS). We have the collaboration of UPR Humacao and CienciaPR. The content is the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official position of NIH.

You can access all the resources by registering in CienciaPR!

The resources developed by UPR-IPERT include:

  • Virtual seminars (webinars) that address biomedical research topics, as well as ethical, social and environmental aspects that affect health.
  • Tools to prepare your professional development plan (PDP)
  • Online Research Certificates: 6 Virtual Modules
  • Resources to improve your skills as a mentor (for teachers)


Researcher at the UPR Cayey studies the effectiveness of COVID-19 prevention measures through mathematical models

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

CienciaPR Contribution: 


With the purpose of developing mathematical models that study the effectiveness of interventions such as physical distancing, effective treatment and / or social distancing in the prevention, mitigation or eradication of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Mayteé Cruz Aponte of the University of Puerto Rico in Cayey (UPR-Cayey), is developing an investigation to evaluate the existing mitigation measures in order to design additional methods for the eradication of the current pandemic.


Virtual Mentoring Guide

The Virtual Mentoring Guide of the Innovative Programs to Enhance Research Training Program (UPR-IPERT) includes valuable resources for identifying virtual mentors through Ciencia Puerto Rico, MyMentor - National Research Mentoring Network and the Interdisciplinary Research Institute.

Solicita al programa Yale-UPR MD/PhD

El Departamento de Biomedical & Biological Sciences (BBS) de la Universidad de Yale y la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, invitan a estudiantes a participar de una orientación en línea, este lunes 21 de mayo de 1:30-2:30pm PR/ET, sobre el Programa de MD-PhD en Conjunto entre Yale y la UPR-RCMLa orientación explicará el propósito del programa y el proceso de solicitud y dará detalles sobre el componente doctoral en Yale. La misma contará con la participación del Dr. Ricardo González de la UPR-RCM y los Dres.

Webcast - The Art (and Science) of Excellent Mentoring

ADVANCE Lecture: The Art and Science of Mentoring, by Dr. Joan Y. Reede

The University of Maryland ADVANCE Program, School of Public Health, and School of Public Health Diversity Council presented a lecture on mentoring by Dr. Joan Y. Reede, MD, MPH, MS, MBA. Dr. Reede is the Dean for Diversity and Community Partnership and an Associate Professor of Medicine at the Harvard Medical School.

Talleres de Coaching de Resiliencia

Group Coaching

Here, you can find the Facilitation Guide (Spanish) for the UPR-IPERT Resilience Coaching Workshops, which was created for the "Retention Resilience" component of the "Enhancing Research Training through Empowerment, Resilience, and Civic Engagement" proposal. funded by the “Innovative Programs to Enhance Research Training” (UPR-IPERT) of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH grant 5R25GM121270-02).

This program existed during 2017-2022 with the objective of developing innovation, perseverance, academic excellence, social responsibility and interdisciplinary work in both students and teachers. Students were expected to develop complementary skills to those of research in the area of ​​Biomedical Sciences and Behavioral Sciences. It was administered by the Interdisciplinary Research Institute of UPR Cayey with the collaboration of UPR Humacao and CienciaPR.

Announcing the UPR-IPERT Program


What is it?

The UPR-IPERT program is a multi-campus and interdisciplinary training program at the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) that offers you training in the skills to conduct biomedical and health-related research.

UPR-IPERT combines in-person training activities and online trainings and resources. In-person training activities are offered at different UPR campuses. Online activities will be accessible through this page soon.

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