3rd Intersections Science Fellows Symposium - Applications & Volunteer Opportunities

Imagen de Giovanna Guerrero-Medina


Fecha Límite: 

Lunes, 1 mayo 2023

The application deadline for the next Intersections Science Fellows Symposium (ISFS), has been extended to May 1st, 2023, 11:59pm EST. We kindly ask that you share this update with your contacts and networks and, in particular, please encourage eligible postdocs to apply.

ISFS is a postdoc-led, faculty-advised initiative that advances diversity, equity and inclusion in academia by showcasing the work of postdocs from diverse backgrounds in the life sciences and providing them opportunities to network with hiring institutions and receive 1:1 mentoring and professional development.  

Postdocs (or equivalent non-tenure track title) from any U.S.-based lab, who are preparing to enter the faculty job-market this year or the next, are eligible to apply (no nationality requirements). Applicants from historically under-represented and/or disadvantaged backgrounds are particularly encouraged. Applications consist of a research statement (2 pages), diversity statement (1 page), and a CV, submitted by May 1st, 2023 (11:59PM EST).

A total of 25 Fellows will be selected to participate based on their scientific contributions and vision and their potential to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in academia. They will join two previous cohorts of 56 fellows, 43 of whom have already secured faculty positions.

We are also recruiting postdoc and faculty volunteers and partners!

  • Postdocs looking for leadership opportunities can review roles and sign-up here. Postdoc volunteers will be able to participate in exclusive professional development sessions.
  • Faculty looking to contribute to the event as mentors, reviewers, panelists or representatives can sign-up here
  • Everyone can sign-up for ISFS alerts here
  • Representatives of Search Committees can reach us at info@intersectionssciencefellows.com for information about how they can support ISFS and receive increased visibility for their searches.

For more information, please visit our website: https://www.IntersectionsScienceFellows.com/ or contact: info@intersectionssciencefellows.com


