Call for abstracts for the Robert I. Larus Award for Outstanding Science Research by a Graduate Student!

Imagen de Kimberly Ann Massa Núñez


Fecha Límite: 

Lunes, 12 octubre 2020

The Caribbean Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is now accepting abstracts for posters in competition for the Robert I. Larus Award for Outstanding Science Research by a Graduate Student. The award will be given to a graduate student that has demonstrated excellence in research in the natural, physical or social sciences.

The winner will receive:

  1. $500.00;
  2. A 1-year membership to AAAS (including a free subscription to Science magazine) and
  3. Travel (all costs paid) to present the winning poster at the 2020 AAAS Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA on February 13-16, 2020.


  1. Participant submitting original research is actively enrolled in a graduate program in the natural, physical or social sciences at a University in the Caribbean region.
  2. Poster abstract contains:
    1. specific questions, hypotheses, and objectives (please highlight the broader impact of the project to the Caribbean region);
    2. methodologies;
    3. results, and
    4. conclusions 

The title of the abstract should not exceed 120 characters (including spaces), followed by the name of the presenting author, co-authors (including research advisor), affiliations, address and e-mail. The text of the abstract should not exceed 250 characters. Selected abstracts will be presented during the AAAS Caribbean Division Annual Conference as a 2min pitch. Presentations cannot exceed 3 slides and must be written in English.

  1. The winner must be available to travel and present the poster at the AAAS 2021 meeting "Understanding dynamic ecosystem"

Abstracts should be sent to:


