Data Science Training Fellowship for PhDs looking to enter industry

Imagen de Giovanna Guerrero-Medina


The Data Incubator is a Cornell-funded data science training organization. We run an 8-week fellowship for PhDs looking to enter industry. A variety of innovative companies partner with The Data Incubator for their hiring and training needs, including LinkedIn, Genentech, Capital One, Pfizer, and many others. The program is free for admitted Fellows - see the FAQ below for more information.

Fellows have the option to participate in the program either in person in New York City, Washington DC, the San Francisco Bay Area, or online.

  • Leverage your degree - Training that links your analytical skills to job opportunities.
  • Free tuition for Fellows - Employer-paid Scholars keep the program free for admitted Fellows.
  • Mentorship from industry leaders - Learn from alumni and senior data scientists, and build your professional network. 
  • Jumpstart your career - Opportunities with the most innovative employers in technology, healthcare, and finance with $80K - $130K starting compensation.
  • Smart, passionate Fellows - Make the transition from academia with a selective peer group excited to learn and collaborate.
  • Build a series of miniprojects - Gain hands-on experience applying the tools employers value to real-world datasets. All powered by a 100-node cluster.


  • Anyone who already has a master's degree or PhD. You do not need to currently be a student in order to apply as long as you already have a master's or PhD. Faculty and postdocs are also welcome.
  • Anyone who is in the process of earning a master's or PhD and only has one year left of their degree program.
  • Applicants from both inside and outside the United States. We do accept international students. You can participate in the program through any visa that allows you to be in the country and take meetings, e.g. a visa that would enable you to participate in a U.S. conference.

The program is geared towards helping participants find a job in the private sector and we are looking for candidates who want to start within 12 months of completing the fellowship. If you are interested, we encourage you to apply.


