The Elsevier Foundation scholars program for midcareer female scientists

Imagen de Yaihara Fortis Santiago


"Grant Guidelines for the New Scholars Program

Call for Proposals Deadline: June 24th 2013

The New Scholars online grant application proposal system will accept Phase I applications through June 24th 2013.

The New Scholars Program supports projects to help early- to mid-career women scientists balance family responsibilities with demanding academic careers. New Scholars seeks to actively address the attrition rate of talented women scientists caused by work-life balance issues. The Foundation provides one, two and three year grants to STEM institutions and organizations actively working towards a more equitable academia by:

  • Encouraging networking and collaborations among institutions and/or across STEM disciplines in ways that support the challenges of faculty and staff with family responsibilities.
  • Developing and implement strategies for advocacy and policy development to advance knowledge, awareness, and application of programs to retain, recruit and develop women in science.
  • Enabling scientists to attend conferences, meetings, workshops and symposia that are critical to the development of a career in science by helping them with childcare and other family responsibilities when attending scientific gatherings."


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