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FIRST CONGRESS ON PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES When: Friday, February 4, 2011- 9:00 AM -4:00 PM Location: UPR, Medical Sciences Campus Amphitheater I, Confirmed five guest speakers which include: Dr. Elizabeth McNally - Keynote Speaker - from the University of Chicago and an expert in cardiac and skeletal muscle disease; Dr. Alan Kopin Director of the Molecular Pharmacology Research Center at Tufts University and an expert in signal transduction systems Dr. Alberto Nasjletti Editor of the American Journal of Physiology-Cardiovascular Section Dr. Martin Frank Executive Director of the American Physiological Society Dr. Peter Lauf from the Chapters’ Program of the American Physiological Society A poster section is included in the program and we are inviting students working with projects related to any aspect of physiology to present their work and compete for a prize! The PRPS will be awarding three prizes to the best posters presented at the meeting. The first prize will recive $250, the second, $150 and the third, $100. Please register TODAY for this activity and submit your poster information! For Registration send the following information to this e-mail: Name: Department: Institution: Position:(Professor, Graduate Student, Undergraduate, high school student) Abstract Title: If you are still not a member of the Puerto Rico Physiological Society (PRPS), please find attached the membership application form. Student fee is only $15.00. For more information please contact: Dr. Priscilla Sanabria


