Neuroscience Scholars Program (Estudiantes Graduados y Postdocs)

Imagen de Giovanna Guerrero-Medina


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Viernes, 23 mayo 2014

The Society for Neuroscience is accepting applications for the Neuroscience Scholars Program until May 23. The Neuroscience Scholars Program (NSP) is a multidimensional two-year training program open to underrepresented and diverse neuroscience graduate students and postdoctoral researchers. Building upon the 30-year history of NSP, the program continues to support annual travel awards, mentoring, and the professional development of 14 candidates known as NSP Fellows.

All eligible applicants will be invited to become NSP Associates including those selected as NSP Fellows. The extensive two-year training program provides live events and webinars, a rich library of educational resources, and an online diversity affinity group of NSP mentors and alumni for seeking career connections and guidance. Events, webinars, and resources focus on career advancement issues, topics related to research process, and cutting-edge scientific content.


  • Citizens or permanent residents of the United States.
  • Enrolled in a graduate degree-granting program or postdoctoral fellowship.
  • From a group recognized as underrepresented in the biomedical, behavioral, clinical, and social sciences. These include African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Hawaiian Natives, natives of the U.S. Pacific Islands and individuals with disabilities, defined as physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities

For more information and to apply, visit Questions? Email Share the NSP flyer with friends.



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