NEW masters degree in Engineering at Arkansas Tech University

Imagen de Wilson Gonzalez-Espada


Hello all: I just wanted to share information about a NEW graduate program in engineering at Arkansas Tech University, Russellville. Wilson -- Master of Engineering The Master of Engineering program provides the student with an opportunity for advanced study in mathematics and engineering while also providing management training to assist in career advancement. Courses in project management and organizational communication prepare the student for increased management responsibilities while courses in engineering, focusing on a particular specialization, prepare the student for advanced engineering assignments. Students are eligible to apply for unconditional admission to the Master of Engineering degree program if they have: 1. Met the admission requirements for Graduate School 2. Completed a bachelor’s degree in engineering from an ABET accredited program with a cumulative grade point average of 2.75 or greater. 3. Submitted to the Graduate School recent (within the last five years) acceptable scores (as determined by the graduate faculty in engineering) for the Graduate Record Exam (GRE). 4. Submitted a letter of intent that addresses the applicant’s intended focus and reasons for applying to the degree program. Based upon an applicant’s intended program focus, deficiency courses may be identified to be completed before enrollment in some engineering graduate courses. 5. Provided two letters of recommendation, using the form provided by the department, from professors familiar with the applicant’s academic ability. Applicants with a bachelor’s degree in a closely related field (e.g. engineering physics, etc.) may petition the appropriate department head for unconditional admission. Such petitions will be judged on the scholastic performance and course content in the bachelor’s degree program. Applicants not meeting the unconditional admission requirements will be considered on a case-by-case basis for conditional admission into the program. Any deficiencies identified for conditional admits should be satisfied within the first calendar year of enrollment. Each student is required to have a graduate advisor who is a member of the electrical or mechanical engineering departments and the graduate faculty. A formal letter from the advisor to the head of the student’s major department acknowledging the advisor’s willingness to serve as the student’s graduate advisor is required during the student’s first semester of course work in the program. The advisor and two additional qualified personnel, selected by the student and advisor, will serve as the student’s Graduate Advisory Committee. At least two committee members must be faculty in engineering. The student and advisor will work to develop a program of study which must be submitted for approval with the application for candidacy as discussed below. Students admitted to the program unconditionally are eligible for admission to candidacy upon the completion of twelve graduate hours with a 3.00 or greater grade point average. Students who have been admitted to the program conditionally must, in addition to the grade point requirement, have satisfied all deficiencies. By the end of the eighth week of the semester in which candidacy requirements will be met, students shall submit to the head of the student’s major department an “Application for Admission to Candidacy” including a degree completion plan endorsed by the student’s Graduate Advisory Committee. Students failing to submit these documents prior to the stated deadline will not be allowed to register for subsequent graduate classes. Degree Requirements 1. A minimum of 36 semester credit hours of coursework at the graduate level must be completed which includes 12 semester hours in the common core, 12 semester hours in the chosen focus area and an additional 12 semester hours of electives. A minimum of 18 semester hours must be engineering courses (ELEG or MCEG prefix) and a minimum of 18 semester hours must be at the 6000 level. Common Core (12 hours): MGMT 5203 – Project Management SPCH 5063 – Organizational Communication MATH 5243 – Differential Equations II 3 hours from: MATH 5103 – Linear Algebra II MATH 5153 – Applied Statistics II MATH 5273 – Complex Variables Focus Area (12 hours): Twelve semester hours of graduate coursework forming a cohesive focus area shall be chosen in consultation with the student’s graduate advisor, subject to approval of the appropriate department head and the Dean of Graduate School. Elective courses (12 hours): Any 5000 or 6000 level MCEG or ELEG course PHYS 5113 – Advanced Physics Lab MATH 5103, 5153 or 5273 if not used in the common core 2. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00 must be achieved on all graduate work attempted at Arkansas Tech University. A maximum of six semester hours of “C” grades can be counted toward degree requirements. Students receiving more than six hours of “C” grades or more than three hours of “D” or “F” grades are subject to dismissal from the program. (Refer to “Academic Probation and Suspension” in the graduate catalog.) 3. Successful completion of a comprehensive final examination, consisting of both a written and oral portion and administered by the student’s Graduate Advisory Committee, is required in addition to the coursework requirements above. This exam will be administered during the student’s final semester and may be attempted a maximum of three times. 4. Completion of all requirements of the degree must be accomplished within six years from the time of admission to the program. Special Conditions of Graduate Credit A maximum of nine semester hours of graduate credit with a grade point average of “B” or better may be transferred from an accredited graduate school if deemed appropriate to the graduate program by the head of the student’s major department and the Dean of Graduate School. Students must submit a written request to the head of their major department to petition acceptance of the transfer credit prior to requesting admission to candidacy to the graduate program. Graduate credit earned six years prior to the completion date of all degree requirements may not be applied toward the degree without the approval of the head of the student’s major department and the Dean of Graduate School. Credits earned by correspondence courses or for remedial purposes will not apply toward the graduate degree. No undergraduate course may be repeated for graduate credit. If, after admission to graduate study, a student wishes to take a course at another institution to count toward degree requirements at Arkansas Tech University, the student must obtain written approval from the head of the student’s major department and the Dean of Graduate School prior to enrolling in the course.


