Puerto Rico Photonics Institute

Imagen de Jonathan S Friedman


Fecha Límite: 

Viernes, 26 julio 2013

The Puerto Rico Photonics Institute is a new research and education institute in Puerto Rico. It is part of Universidad Metropolitana and located at the Ana G. Mendez University System campus in Barceloneta. Puerto Rico has had no such programs at this time. PRPI will carry out research, provide education and training, provide services to industry, research, and academia, and do public outreach in this vital area of modern science and technology. PRPI is founded with grants from the National Science Foundation, MIT Draper Laboratory, the Puerto Rico Industrial Development Corporation, The Puerto Rico Science, Technology, and Research Trust, and has received $1.2M for infrastructure from the Ana G. Mendez University System. 

PRPI will offer its first course in Continuing Education next Fall, entitled "Fundamentals of Light and Lasers".

PRPI has research programs in optical remote sensing (LIDAR), laser gyroscopes, and space weather instrument development.

Please like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/PRPhotonics.

PRPI has collaborations and/or cooperation with:

The University of Central Florida College of Optics and Photonics (CREOL).

The University of Arizona College of Optics

The University of Dayton.

Scientific Solutions

Atmospheric and Space Technology Research Associates

MIT Draper Laboratory

Light Age, Inc.

The Arecibo Observatory

SRI International

The Optical Society of America




