Tenure Track position for Professor at the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering MIT-Deadline Jan 31, 2012

Imagen de Yaihara Fortis Santiago


Professor Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) The MIT Nuclear Science and Engineering Department invites applications for a tenure-track or tenured faculty position. The Department is a world leader in the engineering and application of nuclear and radiation systems. Its faculty teach and conduct research in fields from fundamental nuclear science to practical applications of nuclear technology in energy, security and other fields. An area of particular interest is in the broad field of nuclear science and technology for security; for example applied accelerator technology, radiation generation, detection and imaging, and system-level design and analysis. Outstanding applicants in the department's other fields of research and education will also be considered. These include advanced modeling, simulation, theory, and experimentation in fission reactor systems, the nuclear fuel cycle, plasma physics and fusion technology, advanced materials for extreme environments, and radiation science and technology. [See http://web.mit.edu/nse/]. Applicants must have a doctorate in a relevant engineering or scientific field by the beginning of the appointment period, and must have demonstrated excellence in research and scholarship in a relevant technical field. A commitment to excel in teaching in one of the subfields of nuclear science and engineering is essential. Faculty duties will include teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels, research, and supervision of graduate students. To apply, submit a curriculum vita, description of research interests, and the names of three references online at http://nse-search.mit.edu/ for consideration. Applications received before January 31, 2012, will be given priority. MIT is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Deadline: Tuesday, Jan 31, 2012 Website: Apply Online https://school-of-engineering-faculty-search.mit.edu/nse-search/


