Volunteer Marine Research Opportunities in Curacao, Dutch Caribbean

Imagen de Gian Toyos


Volunteer divers needed for marine research project

*Caribbean Research & Management of Biodiversity (CARMABI), Curacao*

*Dates*: 9/15/2015 - 5/30/2016

*Estimated duration of appointment*: Minimum 2 months

*Posting Open Date*: 6/14/2015

*Positions open until filled*

*Description of Work*: I am seeking volunteer field research assistants for a research project
examining population dynamics with invasive lionfish around Curacao. The one-year study seeks to
examine lionfish populations around the island of Curacao and quantify how lionfish are affecting
biotic and abiotic dynamics of reef communities around the Curacao Marine Park. Specifically, I aim
to understand predator-prey dynamics between invasive lionfish and prey fish populations and
explore how invasive lionfish populations are affecting reef composition using observational surveys
and behavioral experiments. Specific duties of the assistant include field surveys on SCUBA, as well
as data management and analysis. The position will be based out of CARMABI Research Institute in
Curacao. The candidate must be willing to live in a tropical Caribbean climate and SCUBA dive twice a
day, four to five days a week (though field days may extend through the weekend and days off may
occur mid-week). The candidate will need to cover all living expenses and minimal diving expenses
if he/she has his/her own dive equipment.

*There will be ample opportunities for diving and snorkeling around Curacao during the project and
time for an independent research project proposed by the candidate if desired.*

*Education and Experience*: SCUBA experience with minimum of 50 logged dives or Rescue Diver
certification strongly preferred. Bachelor’s degree in biology, marine science, ecology or
environmental science preferred. Experience with fish identification desired, and field research
experience and knowledge of Caribbean reef fish species strongly preferred. Must have valid
passport. Preference will be given to recent graduates with long-term interest in obtaining
experience that will prepare them for graduate school.  Familiarity with statistical analysis using
software such as R is a plus.

*Required documents*:
1. Resume or Curriculum Vitae
2. Short Cover Letter
3. List of references (Three, at least one that can attest to field research and/or dive experience)

*Please send documents to amelia.ritger@dartmouth.edu*

*For more information, email Amelia Ritger (amelia.ritger@dartmouth.edu). *



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