Yale Ciencia Academy (YCA) for Professional Development (deadline soon!)

Imagen de Giovanna Guerrero-Medina


Fecha Límite: 

Miércoles, 1 marzo 2023

We have launched the call for applications for the Yale Ciencia Academy (YCA) for Professional Development, an NIH-funded (R25GM114000) initiative that has recently been modified to equip doctoral students interested in biological, biomedical, or behavioral research and who are in the final 1-2 years of their programs with the knowledge, skills, and networks they need to find great postdoctoral positions that will further their academic interests and career goals. The program supports students who identify as being from an underrepresented background in science, as defined by the NIH.

The application period opens on January 5th and closes on March 1st, 2023, and the program runs from June 2023 to June 2024.

Students can expect the following key benefits:
  • Networking with accomplished scientists, leaders, and peers from diverse backgrounds
  • Training from leading experts to improve planning, mentoring, and communication skills 
  • Personalized materials for the PhD to post-PhD transition, including an Individual post-PhD Transition Plan, a well-crafted personal narrative for introductory emails and networking, a peer-reviewed research abstract, and a polished 20-minute scientific talk.
  • All-expenses paid travel to Yale for in-person meetings in June 2023 and 2024
  • Joining our YCA alumni network (>225 peers), with access to sample fellowships and professional opportunity announcements
  • Gain recognition as a YCA fellow through a press release, the YCA website, and social media channels, and earn a certificate of completion, commemorative pin, and LinkedIn badge at the end of the program year

Additional information about the program, eligibility guidelines, and the application can be found at: www.cienciapr.org/yca

