diversity in STEM

Dos colegiales del Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez reciben beca Nike por sus destrezas de liderazgo

Imagen de Ariadna S. Rubio Lebrón

Los colegiales Oniel A. Plaza Pérez y Sebastián Estrada López, quienes estudian en el Colegio de Ingeniería del Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez (RUM), recibieron una beca que otorgó la empresa Nike por sus destrezas de liderazgo y como estudiantes hispanos que forman parte de la Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI).

Program Coordinator for Higher Education Initiatives, Broad Institute, Cambridge MA

Imagen de Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer

The office of Diversity, Education and Outreach at the Broad is responsible for the creation and delivery of innovative programming that aims to increase the number of students, especially those from historically underrepresented populations, entering and succeeding in STEM careers. Our office has expertise in developing and implementing curricula for middle school, high school, undergraduate students and post-baccalaureate trainees.





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