
Ana Helvia Quintero Rivera

Ana Helvia Quintero Rivera es profesora de matemáticas en la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras. Posee un doctorado en Enseñanza de la Matemática del Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Ana Helvia nació y se crió en Río Piedras. Le encanta ir a la playa, nadar y hacer “snorkeling”. También disfruta las reuniones familiares con sus hijos y nietas.


Nominate a “Citizen Scientists” Champion of Change

Imagen de Elvin Joel Estrada Garcia

President Obama has challenged us all to help win the future by out-educating, out-innovating, and out-building our competitors in the 21st century.

Know someone who is doing extraordinary things to make a difference in your community? Nominate them to be a Champion of Change. We’ll consider your nominations as we feature people who are bringing about change in their communities on the White House website to share their ideas on how to win the future.





GEM Ph.D. Science Fellowship Program

Imagen de Elvin Joel Estrada Garcia

The GEM Ph.D. Science Fellowship is open to minority juniors, seniors and graduates (Masters) who are interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in a life science, physical science or mathematics. You must have a minimum 3.0 GPA to be considered for this award.





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