Industry and Entrepreneurs

Citizens oppose eolic park for environmental reasons

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

A total of 4,503 people signed a setter, sent to the secretary of the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, Javier Vélez Arocho, where the petition him to explain and retire his support to an eolic park project in Guayanilla. The citizens argue that the park will threaten endangered species like the Puerto Rican nightjar, the brown pelican and the lizard of the dry forest. The project plans to install 25 wind mills, each producing 1.8 megawatts that will supply energy to around 20,000 families.

Unceratin future for industry

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Representatives of Puerto Rico’s private sector assure that the controversy between that sector, the Executive, the Senate, and the president of the House of Representatives, José Aponte, on the extension of the Tax Incentive Law has caused the main economic promotion statute for the country, and the investments by companies and individuals to enter a limbo.

Energy alternative

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Photovoltaic panels are one of the options for alternative energy generation; changing the people’s way of thinking and motivating them to use alternative energy sources is Gabriel García’s personal challenge. For this reason, this entrepreneur decided to create his own business, where he offers his customers the option of being independent from traditional electric power sources, thanks to a system he has proven in his own house. Five months ago he opened the store “Energy Alternative” in Rio Grande, which operates on photovoltaic panels, wind mills and batteries. In the store, more than selling, he educates dozens of curious visitors that come by every day.

Amgen will continue expansion

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The delay in the expansion of Amgen in Juncos, on of the companies used by the Government to sell the Island as a global center for biosciences, affects “very little” the Industrial Development Company’s plans. Boris Jaskille, executive director of Industrial Development said that “it is more important that the House of Representatives approve the extension of the Tax Incentive Law.” Emilio Rivera, vice-president of Amgen Puerto Rico said that the plant, which employs around 2,300 people, will continue its expansion in Puerto Rico, “but at a slower pace.”

Forum on patents and branding

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With the purpose of driving innovation and entrepreneurial development the Department of State had its “First forum on brands and patents: Tools for the knowledge-based economy” on Friday, where they discussed the importance of intellectual property in the future of industry, economy and public policy in Puerto Rico. The activity created awareness of the shift in the economic picture, where capital accumulation is not a key factor in economic growth, but an abundance of knowledge is.

Puerto Rico needs a strategy to attract foreign capital

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Before putting together any law or corporative incentives package, the first thing that Puerto Rico has to do, according to economist Francisco Catalá, is to adopt a public policy on foreign investment. According to Catalá, it is impossible for Puerto Rico to take advantage of the opportunity that foreign capital offers if it doesn’t know how to use it. The strategy for capital attraction should take into account the companies’ needs to be effective, and in that context, the tax rates are not the main reason for a company to establish themselves in a country.

Construction of the UPR's solar house starts

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For the third time, the University of Puerto Rico in Mayaguez will participate in the Solar Decathlon 2007, an inter-university competition in Washington DC where the University of Puerto Rico will present the new solar house designed by its students. The construction of the house that will represent Puerto Rico from October 12 to the 20th in the international competition sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy started this week. This year the house –an auto-sustainable and energetically autonomous house- is inspired in the cell, the simplest unit of life.

Forum about brands and patents

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

The Department of State invites all professionals interested in the knowledge-based economy subject to participate in the first forum about “Brands and Patents: Tools for the Knowledge-based Economy”, to take place on Friday, June 8, 2007, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Government Reception Center (Old Casino). For more information you can call 787-721-8326 or email

Ireland moving ahead of Puerto Rico

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Fifty years ago, Puerto Rico was a model for Ireland. Today, the roles are inverted. Ireland is the star of the European Union, with an income per capita above Germany, France and even the United Kingdom. Ireland has the same population as Puerto Rico and its history, as well as ours, is marked by immigration triggered by the search for opportunities. The big difference is that Puerto Rico’s immigrants are trained educated people while the Irish are returning to their country to benefit from newly created opportunities. NOTE: This is an editorial.

Push for ecological innovation

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

The Metropolitan University (UMET) of the Ana G. Méndez System made a call for an open competition, Eco-enterprise- for everyone interested in establishing environmental companies in Puerto Rico. Environmental companies are those that are environmentally friendly or that help solve an environmental problem like pollution, energy conservation and solid waste management, among others. UMET is working on the construction of a website for the competition where the rules will be explained. The deadline to participate is August 30, 2007.


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