Agreement between private company, academia and the commmunity to protect the largest wetland in the metropolitan area

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CienciaPR Contribution: 

Sentados de izquierda a derecha – Dr. Carlos E. Severino Valdez, Sr. Pedro Carrión y Sr. Víctor Domínguez, junto a estudiantes universitarios y de escuelas superior e intermedia que realizan proyectos de investigación en el Corredor del Yaguazo

Puma Energy, Corredor del Yaguazo y UPR-Río Piedras unite in collaborative agreement. 

Cataño, P.R., March 29, 2016- Puma Energy Caribe, the Corredor del Yaguazo, Inc. and the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus (UPR-RP) signed a collaborative agreement to contribute to the conservation of Ciénagas Las Cucharillas and the community development of Juana Matos.

For the full article, please refer to the spanish version of this site. 



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