A virtual symposium

This article is reproduced by CienciaPR with permission from the original source.

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JOSEFINA BARCELÓ JIMÉNEZ jbarcelo@elnuevodia.com
EL DOCTOR Antonio Vantaggiato y la profesora Doribel Rodríguez, catedráticos del Departamento de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad del Sagrado Corazón y directores del proyecto STEMmED II organizaron TEDxUSagradoCorazón.

This week, students, teachers, and the general public are invited to participate in the TEDxUSagrado Corazón, a virtual symposium to share innovators ideas and stories. The event will take place Friday, October 18 from 8am to 1pm at the Emilio Belaval theater in Sacred Heart University in Puerto Rico but it will also be shown live via the internet. 

Among other guests, Daniel Colón, a Puerto Rican scientist and professor at Yale will talk about Ciencia Puerto Rico, a red of resources for people interested in science and Puerto Rico.

For more information visit www. tedxusagradocorazon.com

The original news story is in Spanish. To read the full text, please click on the "Español" button below or the link at the top right of the page.
