Congressional Science Fellowships

Elvin Joel Estrada Garcia's picture



Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Congressional Science Fellowships

Application Deadline: January 15

Public policy increasingly is determined by technical considerations. A perusal of the daily press — from page one through the health and business sections — illustrates that science is a major component of many issues with which Congress must grapple: global warming, energy policy, defense technologies, AIDS, pollution, communications technologies, and many, many more.

It is the aim of the APS and AIP in sponsoring these fellowships to provide a public service by making available individuals with scientific knowledge and skills to Members of Congress, few of whom have a technical background. In turn, the program enables scientists to broaden their experience through direct involvement with the legislative and political processes. Fellows gain a perspective which, ideally, will enhance not only their own careers but also the physics community's ability to more effectively communicate with its representatives in Congress. Today's budget climate makes this ability of increasing importance as shrinking resources force hard choices between worthy projects.

The Congressional Science Fellows Directory lists fellows from 1973 to present.

Deadline: January 15 of Fellowship Year
To apply, candidates must complete the online form and submit all required materials. Full application information is available below.

Apply Now



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