Education Program Manager position for BioBricks Foundation

Yaihara Fortis Santiago's picture


The BioBricks Foundation ( is seeking an Education Program Manager. This is a great opportunity for someone who is passionate about teaching, outreach, and laboratory research to be involved in building a brand new science education program. The position involves a range of responsibilities, including organizing workshops, developing curriculum and outreach materials, and crafting a partnership between BFF and BioBuilder (, a web-based resource developed by Dr. Natalie Kuldell (MIT Department of Biological Engineering) that offers classroom/lab activities and other educational resources to teach synthetic biology in late high school/early college settings. Laboratory research experience and a strong commitment to education are very important. A Ph.D. in a relevant field is preferred, but interested individuals holding a Master's degree will also be considered. Candidates must also have outstanding interpersonal skills, a positive attitude, capacity to be a leader and to work independently, to be a strong team player, to be organized, and to be skilled at managing open-ended projects. If you are interested in this opportunity, please e-mail a cover letter and your CV to Dr. Natalie Kuldell:
