Naturally Obsessed: The Making of a Scientist

Anonymous's picture


The Ponce School of Medicine MBRS-RISE Program and the Graduate Students’ Association in Biomedical Sciences invite you to the screening of: "Naturally Obsessed: the Making of a Scientist" Friday, October 15, 2010 1:00 – 3:00 pm Room 202, Academic Bldg Ponce School of Medicine Film duration is 60 minutes. Screening followed by a brief round-table discussion. Popcorn, candy and beverages sold by the GSA. Open to all interested students, faculty and staff. “A MUST-SEE for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and members of the public who want a rare glimpse into the emotionally-charged and highly competitive world of scientific research. “ “…an emotional and gritty film that follows the lives of three Columbia graduate students on their quest to obtaining their PhD.” “.. accurately and painstakingly depicts the inevitable emotional “ups and downs” of laboratory research, the personal struggles and the often difficult life decisions that are made when pursuing a PhD degree”. More info on film: Contact info for screening at PSM: Wendy Pacheco PSM MBRS-RISE Program 787-284-2038


Giovanna Guerrero-Medina's picture

Muy buen documental que presenta de manera realística los estudios graduados y las carreras científicas: desde las frustraciones del dia a dia y de experimentos que no funcionan hasta esos momentos Eureka! cuando las estrellas se alinean y encuentras la evidencia que estabas buscando para validar tu hipótesis...