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Entrenamiento en empresarismo por parte de Guayacán
Posted by: Giovanna Guerrero-Medina - 12 years ago
1 comment Faculty
Earth Science Education Program at the Museum of natural History in New York - excellent opportunity!
Posted by: Pablo A. Llerandi-Román - 12 years ago
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NIH solicita nuestro insumo sobre las mejores maneras de aumentar la diversidad en las ciencias
Posted by: Giovanna Guerrero-Medina - 12 years ago
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Fondos investigación fuentes alternas energía
Posted by: Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz - 12 years ago
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Programa de becas Buick para estudiantes de escuela secundaria o de universidad interesados en ingeniería, tecnología, y carros
Posted by: Giovanna Guerrero-Medina - 12 years ago
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Programa de entrenamiento y mentoría para postdocs o profesores jovenes interesados en investigaciones sociobiológicas sobre SIDA
Posted by: Giovanna Guerrero-Medina - 12 years ago
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Tópico de CienciaPR en ASM Meeting
Posted by: Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz - 12 years ago
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Conferencia Sociedad Americana Microbiologia-Fecha limite extendida
Posted by: Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz - 12 years ago
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CALL FOR APPLICANTS for the Eco-Informatics Summer Institute (EISI) for Summer 2012
Posted by: Isha M Renta López - 12 years ago
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NASA Paid Summer Internships for Graduate Students
Posted by: Isha M Renta López - 12 years ago
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92nd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting
Posted by: Isha M Renta López - 12 years ago
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Sohn Conference Foundation and Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation Launch Pediatric Cancer Research Fellowship
Posted by: Yaihara Fortis Santiago - 12 years ago
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Programas virtuales de ASM/NSF para educadores científicos a nivel subgraduado
Posted by: Giovanna Guerrero-Medina - 12 years ago
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Becas para estudiantes graduados o profesionales interesados en ser maestros K-12 en ciencias o matemáticas
Posted by: Giovanna Guerrero-Medina - 12 years ago
Reply Faculty
Becas para estudiantes de secundaria que piensan seguir ciencia, matemáticas, o ingeniería
Posted by: Giovanna Guerrero-Medina - 12 years ago
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Becas para estudiantes de cuarto año de secundaria que piensan seguir ingeniería
Posted by: Giovanna Guerrero-Medina - 12 years ago
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Oportunidades de investigación de verano en laboratorios del Depto de Energía
Posted by: Giovanna Guerrero-Medina - 12 years ago
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Postdoc en la UMET en biología molecular y toxicología/ Postdoc at UMET in molecular biology and toxicology
Posted by: Giovanna Guerrero-Medina - 12 years ago
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FASEB-Competencia Imágenes en Biomédica (BioArt)
Posted by: Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz - 12 years ago
1 comment General Discussion
Oportunidades fondos Sociedad Americana Cancer-Potsdoc y otros
Posted by: Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz - 12 years ago
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microRNA in Human Disease & Development (Early Registration January 6)
Posted by: Samuel L Díaz Muñoz - 12 years ago
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Programa de AAAS para científicos en medios de comunicación
Posted by: Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz - 12 years ago
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REU -Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates Program in Astrobiology and Planetary Science
Posted by: Greetchen Díaz-Muñoz - 12 years ago
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Fondos disponibles para asistir prestigiosa conferencia de Genes y Comportamiento (Solicitud: Feb 19 2012)
Posted by: Samuel L Díaz Muñoz - 12 years ago
Reply Faculty
Artista? Científico? Ambas? Conferencia de Visualización Biológica
Posted by: Samuel L Díaz Muñoz - 12 years ago
2 comments General Discussion


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